
Definitions / About

A new website for travellers. This is to replace the previous road conditions map on the Vegagerðin website. This version is more advanced than the previous site. The map is zoomable and offers more detailed information on driving conditions and the state of roads. The updating of the base map and other information provides an opportunity for more development soon, and the aim is to make further progress in the near future.

Information on conditions of sections of road are recorded by the Road Administration’s staff and contractors around the country. Information is updated from 0700 to 2200 daily from 1 October to 30 April and from 0800 to 1600 from 1 May to 30 September.

Data about weather and traffic that appear on the site are gathered by Vegagerðin’s weather stations and other measuring devices around the national road network as well as a number of Veðurstofa Ísland’s weather stations. Overlays in the base map are from the open database at Landmælingar Íslands.

The data is mostly accessible via the open web service at gagnaveita.vegagerdin.is

Road conditions

Weather conditions


Road signs


Data from automatic measuring technology, such as traffic counters and weather stations, is published with the proviso that it may contain errors.

Comments, ideas or suggestions about the development of umferdin.is may be sent to:
